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BREAKING NEWS: Community Grant from Lesbian Incorporated

Updated: Nov 7, 2021

Shuttle Swingers has just been nominated to receive a $1000 community grant to help fund our debut Shuttle Swingers Badminton Tournament.

The grant comes from an organisation called Lesbian Incorporated, a not-for-profit organisation in Australia that advocates for for lesbians. Since 2000 Lesbian Inc. has provided financial backing to lesbians and lesbian-friendly groups in Australia through its community grants scheme.

This is Shuttle Swingers' first ever grant and we are absolutely thrilled at receiving it. The funds will be used to help fund our Inaugural Compass Doubles Tournament. This particular event is unique to the badminton scene as the format is more widely used in tennis competitions, and Shuttle Swingers will be the first to apply such a format to a badminton competition.

With our first grant application being a success, Shuttle Swingers aims to continue applying for more future grants to help with future events, initiatives and coaching programs.

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"I've been embraced by a new community. That's what happens when youre finally honest about who you are; you find others like you."--Chaz Bono

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